Our team was pleasantly surprised that the guys know a lot about dogs, and most importantly they sincerely love them.
We talked about the peculiarities of our profession, and Vasily Muravyov and Yuri Sukhanov conducted a small training master class (with the help of the handsome Nifar, of course) <img class = "emoji" src = "https://vk.com/emoji/e/f09f90b6 .png "alt ="
On the first day of winter, children's laughter burst into the everyday life of the Fox canine service
Василий Муравьёв
Reviews about our work
Ирина Кузьмина"Дважды за осень мы воспользовались услугами гостиницы. Не скроем, переживали за Добрыню:как встретит нас после разлуки, не получит ли эмоциональный шок или обидится на нас. Но встретил нас жизнерадостный,…"