Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89
+7 (911) 245 00 63

Mon - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

/ +7 (911) 114 85 70

Request a call

Price for training

Dog training

Group lesson:

1,000 RUB

Training on our territory, academic hour, OKD:

1,400 RUB

Training on our territory, academic hour, ZKS:

1 700 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (Vasilievsky Island):

1,900 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (City districts to the ring road):

2 900 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (from the ring road and the Leningrad region):

3 300 RUB + 50 RUB. km

Dog training with departure to you, ZKS (Vasilievsky Island):

2,400 RUB

Dog training with departure to You, ZKS (City districts to the ring road):

3 400 RUB

Dog training at your place, ZKS (from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region):

3,700 RUB + 50 RUB. km

Test lesson with a visit to you (Vasilievsky Island):

1,200 RUB

Test lesson on our territory (Vasilievsky Island):

1,000 RUB

Test lesson (City districts to the ring road ):

1,400 RUB

Test lesson (from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region):

1,700 RUB + RUB 50 km

Departure of the canine crew (search for drugs) City districts to the ring road:

10,000 RUB. hour + 100 rub. km

Departure of the dog crew (search for explosives) from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region:

10,000 RUB. hour + 70 rub. km

Departure of the canine crew (search for drugs) City districts to the ring road:

10,000 RUB. hour + 100 rub. km

Departure of the canine crew (search for drugs) from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region:

10,000 RUB. hour + 70 rub. km

Departure of the canine crew (search and search work) City districts to the ring road:

10,000 RUB. hour + 100 rub. km

Departure of the canine crew (search and search work) from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region:

10,000 RUB. hour + 70 rub. km

Online training

Pre-registration by phone +7 (911) 245 00 63
or email

Test lesson:


Subscription 10 lessons:

7,000 RUB

Subscription for 15 lessons:

9,000 RUB

Additional lesson with any subscription:

600 RUB

One-time lesson:

800 RUB

Subscription for training

Dog training on our territory, academic hour, OKD (10 lessons):

13,000 RUB

Dog training on our territory, academic hour, OKD (15 lessons):

18 000 RUB

Training dogs on our territory, academic hour, ZKS (10 lessons):

16 000 RUB

Dog training on our territory, academic hour, ZKS (15 lessons):

22 500 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (Vasilievsky Island) - 10 lessons :

18 000 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (Vasilievsky Island) - 15 lessons:

25 500 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (City districts to the ring road) - 10 lessons:

28 000 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (City districts to the ring road) - 15 lessons:

40 500 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region) - 10 lessons:

32,000 RUB + 50 rub. km

On-site training, academic hour, OKD (from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region) - 15 lessons:

46 500 RUB + RUB 50 km

On-site training, academic hour, ZKS (Vasilievsky Island) - 10 lessons:

23,000 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, ZKS (Vasilievsky Island) - 15 lessons:

33,000 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, ZKS (City districts to the ring road) - 10 lessons:

33,000 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, ZKS (City districts to the ring road) - 15 lessons:

48,000 RUB

On-site training, academic hour, ZKS (from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region) - 10 lessons:

36,000 RUB + 50 RUB. km

On-site training, academic hour, ZKS (from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region) - 15 lessons:

52 500 RUB + RUB 50 km

Price for groomer services

Hygiene, haircut, washing

Hygiene - the procedure includes clipping the nails, cleaning the ears, cleaning the paraanal glands, washing, drying

Afghan Hound (Hygiene):

5,500 RUB

Afghan Hound (Puppies up to 9 months old):

- 30%

Afghan Hound (Washing):

4,000 RUB

Airedale (Hygiene + haircut):

2,700 RUB

Airedale (Hygiene + trimming):

4,000 RUB

Airedale (Hygiene):

2,200 RUB

American Cocker Spaniel (Hygiene + haircut):

2,200 RUB

American Cocker Spaniel (Hygiene + haircut):

1,800 RUB

American Cocker Spaniel (Hygiene):

1,500 RUB

Batak Spitz (Hygiene + haircut):

1,800 RUB

Batak Spitz (Hygiene):

1,600 RUB

Bathing (Puppies up to 9 months) :


Bedligton Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

2 200 RUB

Bedligton Terrier (Hygiene):

1,500 RUB

Belgian Griffon ( Hygiene + haircut):

1,500 RUB

Belgian Griffon (Hygiene + trimming):

2,300 RUB

Belgian Griffon (Hygiene):

900 RUB

Bichon Frize (Hygiene + haircut for a typewriter):

2,000 RUB

Bichon Frize (Hygiene):

1,700 RUB

Bichon Frize (Pedigree haircut):

2,500 RUB

Big Poodle, 45-60cm (Hygiene + clipper):

2 700 RUB

Big Poodle, 45-60cm (Hygiene + lion ):

4 500 RUB

Big Poodle, 45-60cm (Hygiene + modern):

3 800 RUB

Big Poodle, 45-60cm (Hygiene):

2,500 RUB

Black Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

3 700 RUB

Black Terrier (Hygiene):

2 800 RUB

Botbail (Puppies up to 9 months):


Botbail (Washing):

4 500 RUB

Briard (Hygiene):

5 500 RUB

Briard (Puppies up to 9 months):


Briard (Washing):

4 500 RUB

Brussels Griffin (Hygiene):

900 RUB

Brussels griffin (Hygiene + trimming):

1,600 RUB

Brussels griffin (Hygiene + trimming):

2 300 RUB

Bullets (Washing):

5000 RUB

Chihuahua Longhaired (Hygiene + haircut):

1,600 RUB

Chihuahua Longhaired (Hygiene):

1200 RUB

Chihuahua Shorthaired (Hygiene):

800 RUB

Chinese Crested - Downy (Hygiene + haircut):

1,700 RUB

Chinese Crested - Downy (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Chinese Crested - Naked (Hygiene + epilation):

2,000 RUB

Chinese Crested - Naked (Hygiene + shave):

1,500 RUB

Chinese Crested - Naked (Hygiene):

1,000 RUB

Cocker Spaniel English (Hygiene + haircut):

2,000 RUB

Cocker Spaniel English (Hygiene):

1,400 RUB

Collie Rough (Hygiene):

3,000 RUB

Collie Shorthaired (Express-shedding):

3,000 RUB

Collie Shorthaired (Hygiene):

2,000 RUB

Dachshund Longhaired (Hygiene + haircut):

1,800 RUB

Dachshund Shorthaired (Hygiene + haircut for a clipper):

1,600 RUB

Dachshund Shorthaired (Hygiene + trimming):

2,200 RUB

Dachshund Shorthaired (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Dachshund Wire-haired (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Fox Terrier Smooth (Express Molt):

2 200 RUB

Fox Terrier Smooth (Hygiene):

1,500 RUB

Fox Terrier Wire-haired (Hygiene + trimming):

2,500 RUB

Fox Terrier Wire-haired (Hygiene):

1,500 RUB

German and Pomeranian Spitz (Express molt):

2,500 RUB

German and Pomeranian Spitz (Hygiene):

1,400 - 2,400 RUB

German and Pomeranian th Spitz (Hygiene + haircut):

1 800 - 2 800 RUB

Giant Schnauzer (Hygiene):

2,500 RUB

Giant schnauzer (Hygiene + trimming):

4 300 RUB

Golden Retriever (Express molting):

3,000 RUB

Golden Retriever (Hygiene + haircut):

3 300 RUB

Golden Retriever (Hygiene):

2 500 RUB

Greyhound (Hygiene):

2 200 - 2 600 RUB

Husky (Express molt):

2,500 RUB

Husky (Hygiene):

2 700 RUB

Irish Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

2 200 RUB

Irish Terrier (Hygiene + trimming):

2 700 RUB

Irish Terrier (Hygiene):

1 800 RUB

Jack -Russell Terrier (Hygiene + trimming):

2,400 RUB

Jack Russell Terrier (Express molt):

2,200 RUB

Jack Russell Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

1,500 RUB

Jack Russell Terrier (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Jamthund (Swedish like) (Hygiene):

2,500 RUB

Japanese chin (Hygiene + haircut):

1,600 RUB

Japanese chin (Hygiene):

1 200 RUB

Kern Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

2,000 RUB

Kern Terrier (Hygiene + trimming):

2,500 RUB

Kern Terrier (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Kerry Blue Terrier (Hygiene + haircut by breed):

3 500 RUB

Kerry Blue Terrier (Hygiene + haircut with a clipper):

2 600 RUB

Kerry-Blue-T Terrier (Hygiene):

2 200 RUB

King Charles Spaniel (Hygiene + haircut):

2,200 RUB

King Charles Spaniel (Hygiene):

1,600 RUB

Komondor (Puppies up to 9 months):

- 30%

Komondor (Washing):

8,500 RUB

Lhasa Apso (Hygiene + haircut):

1,800 RUB

Lhasa Apso (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Longhaired Dachshund (Hygiene ):

1,200 RUB

Malamute (Hygiene):

2,800 RUB

Maltese Bolonka (Hygiene + haircut for a typewriter):

1,600 RUB

Maltese Bolonka (Hygiene) :

1,200 RUB

Maltese lapdog (Hygiene + breed haircut):

2,000 RUB

Miniature Poodle and Toy, 28-35cm (Hygiene + haircut with a clipper):

1,500 RUB

Miniature Poodle and Toy, 28-35cm (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Miniature Schnauzer ( Hygiene + trimming):

2,500 RUB

Miniature Schnauzer (Hygiene + haircut):

2,000 RUB

Miniature Schnauzer (Hygiene):

1,400 RUB

Mittel Schnauzer (Hygiene):

2,000 RUB

Mittelschnauzer (Hygiene + haircut):

2,500 RUB

Mittelschnauzer (Hygiene + trimming):

3000 RUB

Moscow Watchdog (Hygiene):

5 500 RUB

Moscow Watchdog (Puppies up to 9 months old):

- 30%

Moscow Watchdog (Washing):

4 500 RUB

Newfoundland (Hygiene):

5 500 RUB

Newfoundland (Puppies up to 9 months old):

- 30%

Newfoundland (Washing):

4,500 RUB

Norfolk Terrier (Hygiene + haircut for a typewriter):

2,000 RUB

Norfolk Terrier (Hygiene + trimming):

2 600 RUB

Norfolk Terrier (Hygiene):

1,300 RUB

Norwich Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

2,000 RUB

Norwich Terrier (Hygiene + trimming):

2 600 RUB

Norwich Terrier (Hygiene):

1,300 RUB

Pekingese (Hygiene + haircut):

2 000 RUB

Pekingese (Hygiene):

1,300 RUB

Petersburg Orchid (Hygiene + haircut for a typewriter):

1,600 RUB

Petersburg Orchid (Hygiene + haircut):

2,000 RUB

Petersburg Orchid (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Poodle Dwarf and Toy, 28-35cm (Hygiene + modern):

2,000 RUB

Poodle Ka Rlick and Toy, 28-35cm (Hygiene + lion):

2,500 RUB

Reese Schnauzer (Hygiene + haircut for a typewriter):

2 800 RUB

Rough Collie (Express-shedding):

3 500 RUB

Rough Collie (Washing):

2,300 RUB

Russian Color Bolonka (Hygiene + breed haircut):

2,000 RUB

Russian Toy Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

1,500 RUB

Russian Toy Terrier (Hygiene):

800 RUB

Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka (Hygiene + haircut for a typewriter):

1,600 RUB

Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Russian spaniel (Hygiene + haircut):

1 600 RUB

Russian spaniel (Hygiene + trimming):

2 200 RUB

Russian spaniel (Hygiene):

1,300 RUB

Samoyed (Express molting):

4 700 RUB

Samoyed (Hygiene):

5 500 RUB

Samoyed (Puppies up to 9 months old):

- 30%

Samoyed (Washing):

4000 RUB

Scotch Terrier (Hygiene + haircut + trimming):

2 700 RUB

Scotch Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

2 200 RUB

Scotch Terrier (Hygiene):

1,500 RUB

Shi Tsu (Hygiene + haircut):

RUB 1,800

Shi Tsu (Hygiene):

1,300 RUB

Sky Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

1,800 RUB

Sky Terrier (Hygiene):

RUB 1,300

Small Poodle, 35-45cm (Hygiene + haircut with a clipper):

2,000 RUB

Small Poodle, 35-45cm (Hygiene):

1,800 RUB

Small poodle, 35-45cm (Hygiene + lion):

3,000 RUB

Small poodle, 35-45cm (Hygiene + modern):

2,600 RUB

St. Bernard long-haired (Hygiene):

5 500 RUB

St. Bernard long-haired (Puppies up to 9 months):

- 30%

St. Bernard long-haired (Washing):

4000 RUB

Welsh Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

1,800 RUB

Welsh Terrier (Hygiene + trimming):

2,600 RUB

Welsh Terrier (Hygiene):

1,300 RUB

West Highland White Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

1,800 RUB

West Highland White Terrier (Hygiene + trimming):

2,500 RUB

West Highland White Terrier (Hygiene):

1,000 RUB

Wheat Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

2 800 RUB

Wheat Terrier (Hygiene):

2,000 RUB

Wire-haired dachshund (Hygiene + haircut for a typewriter):

1,600 RUB

Wire-haired dachshund (Hygiene + trimming ):

2 200 RUB

Yakut Laika (Hygiene ):

2 600 RUB

Yorkshire Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

1,800 RUB

Yorkshire Terrier (Hygiene):

1,200 RUB

Yorkshire Yorkshire Terrier (Hygiene + haircut):

1,600 RUB

Express molt

Short-haired, small breeds (up to 30 cm):

900 RUB

Short-haired, medium-sized breeds (from 30 to 45 cm):

1,300 RUB

Short-haired, large breeds (from 45 to 60 cm ):

2,000 RUB

Short-haired, giant breeds (from 60 cm):

2,500 RUB

Long-haired, small breeds (up to 30 cm):

1,300 RUB

Long-haired, medium-sized breeds (from 30 to 45 cm):

1,800 RUB

Long-haired, large breeds (from 45 to 60 cm):

2 500 RUB

Long-haired, giant breeds (from 60 cm):

3 200 RUB


The price includes: washing + drying
* for dogs that are at our overexposure discount for washing -15%

Short-haired, small breeds (up to 30 cm):

600 RUB

Short-haired, medium-sized breeds (from 30 to 45 cm):

900 RUB

Short-haired, large breeds (from 45 to 60 cm) :

1,600 RUB

Short-haired, giant breeds (from 60 cm):

2,000 RUB

Long-haired, small breeds (up to 30 cm):

800 RUB

Long-haired, medium-sized breeds (from 30 to 45 cm):

1,200 RUB

Long-haired, large breeds (from 45 to 60 cm ):

1,800 RUB

Long-haired, giant breeds (from 60 cm):

2,400 RUB

Smooth-haired, small breeds (up to 30 cm):

500 RUB

Smooth-haired, medium breeds (30 to 45 cm):

700 RUB

Smooth-haired, large breeds (from 45 to 60 cm):

1,200 RUB

Smooth-haired, giant breeds (from 60 cm):

1,600 RUB

Groomer - add. services

Cutting the fur between the toes:

300 RUB

Combing the undercoat with a furminator:

from 300 RUB

Puddling paw:

400 RUB

Removing mats in dogs and cats:

from 300 RUB

Hair removal from ears:

200 RUB

Cleaning the ears:

from 200 RUB

Eye cleaning:

200 RUB

Cleaning the paraanal glands:

from 400 RUB

Clipping of nails in dogs and cats, small breeds (up to 30 cm):

300 RUB

Cutting nails for dogs and cats, medium breeds (from 30 to 45 cm):

400 RUB

Cutting nails for a dog to and cats, large breeds (from 45 to 60 cm):

500 RUB

Hygienic haircut, small breeds (up to 30 cm) :

800 RUB

Hygienic haircut, medium breeds (from 30 to 45 cm):

1,000 RUB

Hygienic haircut, large breeds (45 to 60 cm):

1,500 RUB

Hygienic haircut, giant breeds (from 60 cm):

2,000 RUB

Haircut for a typewriter, small breeds (up to 30 cm):

1,500 RUB

Haircut for a clipper, medium breeds (from 30 to 45 cm):

1,700 RUB

Haircut for a clipper, large breeds (from 45 to 60 cm):

2,500 RUB

Haircut for a typewriter, giant breeds (from 60 cm):

3,000 RUB

* Hygienic haircut - the procedure includes: trimming the ears, pads and edging of the paws, genitals + bathing and drying + trimming the nails + cleaning the ears + cleaning the paraanal glands

** Clipping - the procedure includes: clipping the dog + bathing and drying + clipping the claws + cleaning the ears + cleaning the paraanal glands

Price for a zoo hotel

Zoo hotel, Vasilievsky Island

Bolshoy prospect of Vasilievsky Island, 89


1,400 RUB


1,400 RUB


1,000 RUB


1,200 RUB


1000 RUB


1000 RUB


1000 RUB


900 RUB

Read more about the zoo hotel rooms on this page

Zoo hotel - add. services


100 RUB per day

Online video:

300 RUB per day

Puppy garden:

1,500 RUB

Fitness for dogs, 1 lesson (15 minutes):

150 - 200 RUB

Hourly rent of a hall for training with a dog:

600 RUB 1 hour

Accommodation with training:

payment for the room + 1,000 RUB for training

Special care of the dog (after injuries, operations, etc.):

400 RUB per day

Dog training online, 10 lessons:

7000 RUB

Dog training online, 15 lessons :

9000 RUB

Hotel accommodation with behavior correction:

room payment + from 1,000 to 2,000 RUB for behavior correction

Price for zootaxi


Zootaxi (City districts to the ring road):

100 RUB / km

Zootaxi (from the Ring Road and the Leningrad Region):

70 RUB / km


Call us
+7 (911) 245 00 63 We will be glad to answer all your questions!

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Reviews about our work

Наталия Петракова

"Огромное спасибо за чудесно проведённые новогодние каникулы. Наша Буся, доберман 1 год 8 мес, вернулась очень довольная, отдохнувшая и с новыми навыками. Для собак здесь созданы очень комфортные условия,…"

Cynological service «LIS» |

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