The Fox canine service offers you an online training service - we help you correct the behavior of dogs with the help of detailed and understandable video tutorials, answer all questions and together with you we cope with any difficulties in raising an animal. You will receive an effective training course from professional dog handlers for training at home. Sign up for a trial lesson, it's free!
Who will benefit from online dog training in St. Petersburg?
Classes are suitable for puppies of all breeds and for older dogs. Contact if you want your pet to be obedient and well-mannered! Our service is intended for those who, for some reason, cannot attend a full-time training course.
During the lesson, we will tell you:
- How to wean a dog from pulling a leash on a walk. If during walks the animal does not walk calmly next to you, but is torn in different directions - towards people, cats, birds, other dogs, it is necessary to correct the behavior. It is you who should walk the pet, not you, besides, for dogs it can be simply dangerous - not all oncoming animals are friendly and walk on a leash, and passers-by usually do not like it when they bark and rush at them.
- How to wean a pet from picking up everything from the ground. For many dog owners, the habit of vacuuming the ground is a real headache. Not only does the animal eat something that clearly does not fit into its diet, which can lead to poisoning, but it also has to be constantly on the alert - as soon as the pet sniffs something on the ground for too long, you should immediately be there. Dog training teaches the animal to pick up even what seems to her very attractive - cheese, meat, fish, carrion, and also to take treats from anyone without the permission of the owner.
- How to stop your pet from jumping on people. Often, dog owners miss this moment in education, believing that their cute little animals are liked by everyone around them, without exception. Even if your animal jumps and puts its front paws on people solely for joy and a desire to show its location, such a habit is unacceptable for a well-bred pet.
- How to teach the dog the basic commands: "Near", "To me", "Sit", "Lie down" and so on. This is the base that every pet needs, regardless of its breed. Education should start from an early age, but if you have not done it before, have not visited a dog training center and have not ordered the services of a professional dog handler, it is never too late to fill in the gaps.
How does the online dog training course in St. Petersburg work?
The course programs were developed by our best specialists - experienced dog handlers who know how to work with any dog, even with problematic behavior and aggression. The training takes place as follows: you pre-register by phone or e-mail, consult with our trainer, tell us what exactly in the pet's behavior you would like to correct, and then you receive competent help.
It doesn't matter where you live, St. Petersburg is the city where our dog training center is located, but you can practice online from anywhere. In the process of training, you will receive detailed instructions and videos, which clearly show how to act in order to teach the pet to obey you, to follow commands. Communication with the dog handler will take place in the chat, where he will answer your questions and give personal advice that works in the case of your pet. The training video will be available to you at any time, you will need to practice regularly, for at least 20 minutes a day - this is enough so that the animal does not lose interest in classes and learns the necessary lessons. From time to time you will need to send a report - to show what the dog has learned, and what difficulties arose with, so that we can correct the program.
You can buy a subscription for 10 or 15 lessons, if necessary, you can always take additional lessons. If you think that only a couple of skills are missing for your pet to achieve ideal behavior, choose one-time lessons, it is cheaper.
Who exactly is online dog training suitable for?
- Anyone who recently acquired a pet and wants to make his stay with the family as pleasant as possible for everyone - both for the dog itself and for people. To do this, the animal needs to learn the rules of behavior, understand what can and cannot be done, which games are permissible and which are impermissible.
- Anyone who understands that it is necessary to educate and train dogs of all breeds, and not just large ones. Even a toy terrier can cause a lot of problems if you do not pay attention to its behavior and do not correct it.
- Someone who understands that dog training should be based on humane methods. Our specialists do not resort to rigid and abnormal working out of commands, their task is to build the right relationship between the dog and the owner without fear and aggression.
- Anyone who cares not only about the comfort of the animal, but also about the peace of mind of those around - passers-by on the street, neighbors, guests of the house. You will know that your pet will not scare people by barking, will not get off the leash and react to zoo-aggression from other animals.
When choosing to train dogs in St. Petersburg at the Lis center, you should know that it will take time to achieve results. Do not count on the fact that the dog will instantly turn from a naughty hooligan into a model of good breeding. Patience, work and patience again - this is what will lead you to the desired goal. And we will be with you throughout the entire journey, support, advise and direct.
Why should you choose online dog training from the Lis center?
Our dog handlers have vast practical experience. They train all breeds, work with puppies and adult animals. Numerous reviews of those who have already contacted our center confirm that you can teach a dog to behave adequately, obey the owner and not show aggression towards animals and people at any age with any initial data. If you want to see for yourself what we can do, come to our center in St. Petersburg, we are glad to have guests.
Online training services are now in great demand, and we are glad that we can answer your requests in this direction - our courses are designed to achieve different goals, you can work with a dog when it is convenient for you.
Sign up for a trial lesson right now! We are sure that it will be very useful for both you and your pet. Do not let education take its course, otherwise you can get much more serious problems than gnawed shoes. The best time to start educational activities is 3-4 months, but even after that, you can correct the disobedience, teach the dog to obey you and obey unquestioningly. And all this - without pressure on the psyche of the animal, softly and delicately.
Registration for the online course is already open, call: +7 (911) 245 00 63 or email .
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Татьяна"Большое спасибо Василию, руководителю кинологической службы Лис, за помощь в социализации моей собаки. Я взяла возростного пса после смерти хозяйки. Пёс вздрагивал даже от шуршания поводка. Когда мы первый…"