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Outpouring the herd

Grazing cattle

The purpose of the technique is to develop in the dog persistent skills of movement in a given direction, search and follow-up of animals. Conditioned stimuli in practicing the skills of the shepherd's service will be: to move the dog in a given direction - the command "forward" and the gesture - throwing the hand forward; for catching animals the commands "take", "drive". Unconditioned stimuli will be: the reflex of freedom, defensive reactions in an active and passive form, food reactions.

Methods and techniques for building a technique

Driving along the border of the road, fence, ditch, along the border of crops

You should start practicing the skill only after the techniques of walking alongside and beckoning have been worked out. When the herd passes between sown fields, vegetable gardens, through a garden, a village, etc., a dog walking from the edge, sent by the command "forward", must prevent the animals from trying to enter the field or vegetable garden. Having started practicing the technique, the trainer walks along the road with the dog on a leash, pronouncing the command “near”. Pointing to the dog with his hand directly in the direction of the road, the trainer himself, as it were, rushes forward and gives the dog a command "forward" in an encouraging intonation. Makes short throws along the edge of the road, giving the dog the command "forward" and accompanying this with a gesture, throwing his hand forward. When the dog stops, the command "forward" is given again. When the dog tries to leave the road or stop on it, they say the command "forward" in a strict tone and make a jerk with a leash. The movement should be in a straight line. Correct movement of the dog is encouraged by the commands "good", "forward", "good". In the future, the lesson is carried out along the fence, ditches, along the border of crops, etc., requiring the dog to perform the “forward” command without fail, encouraging its correct move, abruptly stopping it when distracted to the side by the “fu” command and strict “forward”. When the dog learns the command "forward", the leash is removed from it, and the trainer drives one or two pets along the road. By giving the command "forward", the trainer sends the dog along the road, to the side of the animals, making sure that the dog does not attack them. Correct behavior of the dog is immediately encouraged with the command "good", the dog's prompts for the command "forward" are more frequent. The dog is more often called by the command "to me" and encouraged. Having established that the dog does not attack walking animals, the trainer increases the number of animals, including the entire herd. The sending of the dog on the command "forward" becomes more frequent and certainly on the side of the road or strip with which there is a sowing, orchard or vegetable garden. When a dog attacks an animal moving away from the herd to the side, the trainer encourages it, praises it, but always stops and calls to itself as soon as the animal enters the herd. The dog's attack on animals that are walking correctly, the trainer abruptly stops using a jerk with a leash.

Walking around the object

Practicing the skill of hilling a herd in a certain area of the pasture begins around some fixed object (for example, a building). Taking the dog on a leash, the trainer goes around the building, giving the command “around”; gradually the leash weakens, lowers to the ground, and the trainer himself lags behind the dog a little. When she tries to move away from the building, she gives the command “circle” and, if necessary, makes a leash with a leash. Lagging behind the dog walking around the building, the trainer turns back and quickly walks towards the dog, beckoning it to him. In the future, the meetings of the dog with the trainer come closer and closer to the starting position, and, finally, the trainer remains in place. The dog's approach to the trainer must be approved by giving a treat. In order to prevent the dog from developing an unwanted connection when moving around the same building, the starting places of the classes are changed. Particularly convenient for training is a place fenced off by a low hedge, from where the trainer can see the movement of the dog. Having completed this exercise, the trainer proceeds to hilling the herd. First, take a small group of animals. The trainer, having a dog without a leash, walks around the herd of animals at some distance from them, saying the command "around". The bypass is done several times. Wrong movements of the dog are stopped by the command "round" in increased intonation. An attempt to pounce on grazing animals is stopped by the "fu" command (especially angry dogs are muzzled). The trainer is obliged to meet the dog walking around the herd first half way, and then closer and closer to the point of sending. The trainer observes the progress of the sent dog from a convenient place. When arriving at the starting place, the dog must be petted or given a treat. Classes are held in an open place. After practicing this exercise, the trainer proceeds to exercises in a pasture with bush or forest. To observe the progress of the dog, the trainer follows it from afar, corrects its mistakes and encourages it to walk around the herd correctly, always meeting the dog from the opposite side. The dog may get out of the way. Then the trainer uses the command "forward" in a threatening tone and makes a round of the herd with the dog. After that, the trainer goes on to classes and while the herd moves through the pasture. The skill can be considered fully mastered when the dog runs around the herd flawlessly at the command "circle".

Adapting animals

The purpose of the reception is to develop the dog's skills to drive animals that have straggled or left to the sides of it to the herd, to accelerate the movement of the herd to the pasture or when returning home, to direct the animals when the herd turns in the direction of the turn. Reception is carried out as follows. Having chosen an animal in the herd that is afraid of a person (leaves him) and does not resist the dog, the trainer, letting the animal lag behind the herd, sharply attacks him, drives him to the herd, striking him with a whip. When running after the animal, he carries away the dog and draws its attention to the running animal with the command “take”. Seeing the attack of its master on a straggling animal, the dog usually rushes to the latter and also pursues him. The dog is rewarded for this. Chasing an animal by a dog immediately stops as soon as it enters the herd. At this moment, the trainer stops the dog by calling to himself the command "to me" and, when approaching, encourages it. When practicing a skill, the following rules must be observed. 1. Whenever the animal resists the dog, the trainer immediately intervenes and helps the dog by striking the animal with a whip. This teaches animals to obey the dog, to leave her in the herd, where the dog does not touch or bother them. 2. Make sure that the dog, driving the animal into the herd, does not run ahead and drive it off the head, that is, does not knock it out of the way. 3. Avoid biting by the dog of animals (cows - by the face, sides and udder, sheep - by the face, neck and legs). If the dog is angry and bites animals, training should be carried out in a muzzle, preventing biting attempts by the "fu" command. 4. As soon as the animal pursued by the dog has entered the herd, give a strict command "fu" with a simultaneous strong jerk of the leash, then call the dog and give the command "good" when approaching. Vicious (biting) dogs are muzzled at the beginning of training. Then, they remove the muzzle and let them on the parfors and a long leash. In the future, the trainer lets the dog in freely, stopping the wrong actions with the command "fu". In the course of training, the distance of animals lagging behind the herd is increased. At the command "take", the dog should be taught to attack the cow from behind with a grip on the right or left hind leg, and on the sheep from behind, with a grip on the side. An attempt of a dog to grab an animal by the tail is immediately stopped by the trainer with the command "fu", as well as with a strong jerk of the leash. You should never allow an animal (bull, ram, cow) to win over a dog. The trainer makes sure that the cow does not hit the dog with his foot, horns.

Searching for animals

Reception is introduced after practicing the skill of searching the area. The skill is practiced as a search of the area on the command “search” (see the method “search of the area”). A site for training is chosen no more than 100x400 m, at first it is even with bushes, and later it is mountainous and wooded. When the dog has developed the skill of searching the area to find an object for retrieval, they move on to replacing it with animals, which the assistant leads in advance to the designated place. The trainer directs the dog to the site with the command “search”, helping her. When an animal is found, the dog's encouragement and the “voice” command are followed in order to teach the dog to bark at the found animal. Continuing to work out the skill, the trainer leaves several animals on the site, trying to get the dogs to bark at them when they approach them. The skill will be considered worked out when the dog, on the command "search", flawlessly searches the area and finds an animal on a 100x400 m section and barks at it.


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Анна и Джони

"Хочу выразить огромную благодарность тренеру! У меня бигль и в 7месяцев встал вопрос о его не послушании. За пол года тренировок мы практически сделали из бигля собаку, с которой можно гулять без поводка…"

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