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Guard service


The purpose of the technique is to develop in the dog a persistent skill to show loud barking to the slightest auditory and visual stimuli when it is at the checkpoint, on a deaf leash, with free guarding. Search the area and detain unauthorized persons in the area of the post. When practicing a skill, the command "guard" and a gesture - an indication in the direction of the appearance of the expected assistant - are used as conditioned stimuli. Unconditioned stimuli are light blows (with a tourniquet, branch, etc.) applied to the dog by the helper at the moment of teasing it. As a reward, use the command "good", stroking the dog and a treat. Reception is introduced after working off the development of anger and detention. The training of a guard dog must be carried out taking into account its practical application at a checkpoint, on a deaf leash and in free guarding. In the first period of training, it is necessary to develop the dog's skill to respond with loud barking to rustles and the approach of strangers to the post in the presence of a trainer. In the second period - to develop the skill to show loud barking when the assistant approaches, but in the absence of the trainer, and the skill to fight with the assistant in the area of the post.

Methods and techniques for building a technique

At the beginning of training, it is recommended to conduct classes at dusk, then, gradually complicating the classes, conduct them at different times of the day and in any weather. It is necessary to train the dog in the place where it will have to carry out the guarding service.

Guarding at the checkpoint

Block post equipment

The length of the checkpoint, depending on the protected area, is 50 - 100 m (in a forest and closed area, it decreases to 25 - 40 m). The territory of the checkpoint with a width of up to 10 m should be cleared of trees, bushes, large stones, etc. At the site designated for the checkpoint to a depth of 80 cm and a height of 2 m from the ground level, two pillars with a diameter of 20 cm are burst. going in the opposite direction from the cable. A wire (or cable) with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm is pulled between the posts. The cable must be well stretched; permissible deflection - no more than one meter. The maximum height of the cable is 2 m, and the minimum is 1.5 m. Two rings each 10 cm in diameter, 0.5 cm thick or a special block are put on the cable or wire. The rings should be well welded or soldered at the joints; the rings are placed at a distance of 3 m from the pillars, limiters are placed. A chain of steel links is tightly fixed to the ring at one end. Attached to the other end of the chain are two sturdy carabiners. Chain length 2 - 2.5 m. The breaking chain must withstand at least 150 kg. A lightweight booth is installed at the checkpoint to shelter the dog from the weather. The booth is installed against the middle of the cable, at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from it, with the open side towards the block. Reception is carried out as follows: the trainer pre-selects the area of the terrain, convenient for shelter and the actions of the assistant. Then he instructs the helper, shows him the place of shelter, his behavior and the signal to start approaching the dog. After the assistant leaves for the shelter, the trainer takes the dog on a leash and leads it around the post for familiarization. Then he ties the dog to a chain and runs with it several times along the checkpoint, accustoming it to the noise from the movement of the ring along the cable. After making sure that the dog is behaving actively, the trainer takes 2 - 3 steps back (to the rear), gives the dog the command "guard" and connects this with the gesture of showing towards the helper (front). At the signal of the trainer, the assistant makes well-audible rustles and slowly, stealthily, approaches the dog. As soon as the dog barks, the helper stops rustling (noise) and movement. The handler strokes the dog, saying the command "good" and repeating the command "guard". The ensuing silence serves as a signal for repeating the actions of the assistant. When the dog barks, noises and rustles from the helper are reduced, and vice versa, when the dog reacts to them weakly, they increase. In this case, the trainer, in addition to the command "guard", pronounces the command "alien", thus exciting the dog. If the dog even in this case does not react to the helper, then the latter approaches the post and swings at the dog with a tourniquet, trying to hit it. For some dogs, especially vicious but phlegmatic, light blows are a must. The assistant, teasing the dog, runs away towards the front, and the trainer immediately releases the dog from the chain, gives the command "face" and lets it stop the fleeing person. To accelerate the development of a strong conditioned reflex to the command "guard", it is recommended that each appearance of the helper in the dog's field of vision be linked with detention and escorting. Avoid actions on the part of the helper that could intimidate the dog (strong blows, etc.). Every correct action of the dog must be supported by the trainer with the command "good" and stroking. In order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable connections, an order of magnitude of the helper's approach to the dog from the same direction is necessary for the helper at each lesson to approach the dog's post from different directions. Having achieved a response from the dog by barking at the approach of the assistant and entering into a fight with him when approaching the checkpoint in the presence of the trainer, one should proceed to practicing the skill in the absence of the trainer. Guarding classes at the checkpoint in the absence of a trainer are structured as follows. The trainer, placing the dog at the checkpoint, gives it the command "guard" and goes to the rear behind a cover at a distance that allows you to freely hear the barking of the dog; at the same time, in the first 3 - 4 days, her behavior at the post and the actions of the assistant should be monitored to prevent possible mistakes on his part. The pre-instructed helper leaves from behind the shelter, located 50-60 m from the post, and moves towards the dog, acting in the same way as in the previous technique. If the dog actively barks at the helper's rustles, the trainer, after some exposure (2 - 3 minutes), runs out from behind the shelter, encourages the dog and lets it stop. In cases where the dog does not bark, the helper approaches it and tries to hit it with a tourniquet. Having teased the dog, the assistant runs away to the rear, and the trainer quickly runs out from behind the shelter and lets the dog in to be detained, followed by escorting and handing over the detainee to another person. In the future, the intervals between the time the dog is put on the post and the action of the helper are gradually increased, the noises and rustles in their strength are reduced to a minimum. After the dog is active and vigilant enough to carry out the service, complications are introduced. The helper approaches the dog with a treat (with meat) When trying to grab a treat, he strikes the dog with a whip or a tourniquet. At this time, the trainer runs out and lets the dog stop. Two assistants are introduced into the lesson, acting from different sides of the post. A trainer who arrives at the barking of a dog lets the dog detain one of the assistants, and the dog searches for the second in the area of the post by searching the area.

Deaf leash guarding

Dog posts for guarding on a chain (without a block) are arranged on sites with a width of at least 4 square meters. meters. On the site, to a depth of one meter, a pillar is burst, one meter in height and 20 cm in diameter. A freely rotating circle is reinforced on top of the pillar. Depending on the situation, the post can be dug in and flush with the ground. A bracket with a ring is driven into the rotating circle of the post, for which a chain is attached. You can attach the chain to a bracket embedded in the wall. If the post is not located indoors, set up a booth. Reception of guarding on a deaf leash is carried out in the same sequence as in the previous technique. The only difference is that the deaf leash limits the guard area of the post to 2 - 3 m, that is, the length of the chain. Depending on the conditions, such dog posts are placed in narrow aisles - between two buildings, corridors, at the doors of warehouses, shops, etc. movable. The technique of constructing this technique does not differ from the technique of guarding at the checkpoint.

Free guarding of the post

Dog training for free guarding should take place in a fenced yard or in a warehouse, store, etc. An area guarded by a dog by free guarding should not have open entrances. If the guarding area is more than 1200 - 1400 sq. m (free, without buildings), then it should be divided into several isolated areas according to the number of dogs put on the post. The sections should be separated by transverse fences no more than 50 m long. The height of the fence should not be lower than 2.5 m.When free guarding indoors, it is necessary that there is no free access from floor to floor, as well as that the dog cannot jump out into open windows, etc. . e. The reception is structured as follows. The trainer, having come with the dog to the (fenced-in area or room), leads the dog around the entire site or room two or three times to familiarize himself with the post. During the first two to three days, the dog during training should be with the trainer on a short leash. When moving with the dog, the trainer periodically pronounces the command "guard". A pre-instructed assistant, who is in the shelter, upon a set signal, performs the following actions. If the lesson is carried out on an area enclosed by a fence, the assistant first makes a clearly audible rustle and slowly approaches the fence. Approaching him, he begins to knock in order to draw the attention of the dog towards his location. Then he climbs the fence, showing himself several times to the dog. After that, it climbs over the fence and approaches the dog, staging an attack on it. When an assistant appears at the post, the trainer immediately goes with the dog towards the assistant, gives the command "guard" and after a pause commands "face". The assistant runs away, and the dog is allowed to be detained. The detained assistant is escorted and handed over to another person. When practicing in a closed room, the assistant first takes refuge in it before the arrival of the trainer with the dog. Arriving at the premises, the trainer introduces the dog to the situation, trying to prevent the dog from detecting the helper prematurely. Then, on the set signal, an assistant appears, acting as in the first case (taking into account the specific conditions of the room, situation, etc.). The trainer allows the dog to be detained, the assistant is escorted and handed over to another person. Then the reaction of the dog is practiced (first in the presence, and then in the absence of the trainer) to the assistant's attempts to enter the room and enter into a fight with him when he has already penetrated. These actions are practiced by the same method and in the same sequence as when the assistant penetrates through the fence. The trainer leaves the territory of the post and comes only when the dog begins to show loud barking or has entered into an active struggle with the helper. While practicing all this skill, it is recommended to change assistants more often, dress them in clothes of different shapes and colors and not allow a pattern in their actions when practicing a technique, as well as performing the role of an assistant by the trainer himself. In the practice of guarding, it may be necessary to use a dog to search the area in the area of the post. Therefore, the guard dog must have the skill of searching the area. This skill is developed in a dog as follows: a trainer in the rear of a dog on duty, 20-30 m from it, is observing its behavior from behind a shelter. The instructed in advance, the assistant slowly approaches the dog and, having teased it, runs away in a straight direction in full view of the dog to the shelter (bush, ravine, stacks of firewood, containers, etc.). Then 15 - 20 meters behind the cover makes a semicircle to the side and remains in place (until the dog detects it). At the barking of the dog, the trainer runs out, immediately releases it from the leash and releases it on the command "face" in the direction of the disappearing assistant. At first, the dog will run, as if it were stopping, but, not seeing the assistant, it will look for him (with the help of the trainer). After three or four skillfully performed exercises, the dog will independently find the hiding assistant by searching the area. If found, the assistant is detained, escorted and handed over to another person. "Guarding" should be considered practiced when the dog will bark loudly to medium-strength auditory and visual stimuli at a distance of 100 - 150 m from the assistant in moderately difficult meteorological conditions, detain him or find him in the area of the post on an area of 60 X 100 m.

Training your dog for two-way communication

The purpose of the technique is to develop in the dog a persistent skill of running between two posts located at a certain distance from each other, at the command "post". When practicing this skill, the commands "to me" and "post" are applied as conditioned stimuli. A delicacy is an unconditioned irritant. Encouraging the dog, as well as when performing other techniques, must be accompanied by the command "good". Skill training is carried out by two trainers. Therefore, initially the dog is taught to both trainers and the contact of the dog is established with both trainers. In practice, this is achieved in the following way. If the dog is kept in a kennel or in a separate cage, in the first days of training, both trainers simultaneously approach the cage and alternately call the dog's name, doing this two or three times in a row. After making sure that the dog is not intimidated by them, they simultaneously carefully enter the cage. Then they calmly stop there and give the dog the opportunity to sniff them. After the dog gets used to them and behaves calmly, the counselors disperse in different directions of the cage and, in turn, call the dog to them by their nickname. In each case the dog approaches the counselor, it is encouraged with a treat and stroked. This is repeated two to three times in a row at short intervals. While calling and stroking the dog by one of the counselors, the second should not distract the dog with commands and other actions. After the end of the session, the dog is fed by both. In those cases when, when two people appear in the cage, the dog will show distrust of them or rush at them, counselors put food to the dog, leave the cage and observe the dog's behavior. After the dog shows no cowardice or anger, the trainers act as described above. After working out the trusting attitude of the dog to the two trainers, all other exercises included in this technique should be practiced by the trainers one by one according to the developed plan. Initially, in the field, this skill is practiced as follows. The dog is at one of the trainers on a leash. The second strokes the dog and simultaneously feeds it with two or three pieces of meat. After that, he moves away from the dog at 40 - 50 m, pronouncing its nickname several times, and this attracts its attention to itself. Having reached the end point, he stops, turns to face the dog, loudly calls the nickname and, on the command “to me,” calls the dog. At the first attempt of the dog to move to the call, the first trainer releases it from the leash. When the dog approaches the second trainer, he gives her a treat and strokes it. After 2 - 3 minutes the first trainer does the same exercise. In those cases when the dog will be distracted during the run to the post, the receiving trainer repeats the command "to me" and calls the dog. In such cases, it is recommended to run 5 - 10 steps away from the dog, trying to attract it to you with this movement. After practicing this exercise, the dog begins to develop the skill of running a distance at the command "post". Classes are held in an open area in the absence of distracting stimuli. Technically, the exercise is structured as follows: one of the trainers, having stroked the dog and fed it, moves 80 - 100 m, from where he monitors the action of the trainer who remains with the dog. The remaining trainer goes down on his left knee, holds the dog by the collar with his left hand, and unfastens the leash with his right. The departed trainer, having made sure that the dog is ready to start it, loudly gives the command “to me”. The trainer who remained with the dog, pronouncing the command "post", lets the dog run to the departed trainer. At the first attempt of the dog to run, the remaining handler gives the command "post" and throws his right hand forward in the direction of the run. When the dog goes to the trainer who has departed, he once again pronounces the command "to me" and, when the dog approaches, encourages it with a treat. The command "to me" should be used only in the first 5 - 7 days of classes. In the future, it is necessary to apply only the command "post", and the command "to me" only in those cases when the dog is distracted or delayed along the route. After practicing this exercise, it is necessary to introduce complications in the conditions of the dog's run to the post. With a clear departure of the dog when sending to the post and quickly running it between two posts at a distance of 250 - 300 m in an open area, you can proceed to an exercise on a closed area, gradually increasing the distance. In all cases of practicing the skill, the trainer must make sure that the dog was really on duty. To do this, each time they look through a special case for reports, which is put on the dog's collar. If the dog did not reach the post and returned, the trainer sends it a second time, walking 20-30 m with it himself. In case of a second refusal, the trainer walks 80-100 m with the dog and then sends it to the post. In the future, the dog is taught not to be afraid and indifferent to shots and explosions during the runs to the post. Separate assistants are allocated for shooting. Dog training begins with occasional shooting at a distance of 30 - 40 m from the posts. Technically, this is done in the following way: at the time when the dog arriving at the post is encouraged by the trainer, the assistants make 2 - 3 shots. If the dog shows cowardice at the same time, the trainer gives it a treat and calms it down by playing with it. In such cases, in the next lessons, the sound of the shots is removed. In the absence of the fear of shots in the dog, in subsequent exercises, shooting is carried out at a close distance from the post. As the dog develops the skill of a trouble-free run between posts on the command "post", classes are carried out under different meteorological conditions, on different terrain - open, closed and crossed, at different times of the day. The most typical mistakes when practicing this skill are: rude treatment of the dog by trainers, overworking the dog with runs, inept elimination of strong distracting stimuli, untimely introduction of complications. The skill can be considered as worked out only when the dog will run smoothly at a distance of 2 - 3 km for 10 - 15 minutes at the command "post".


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