Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89
+7 (911) 245 00 63

Mon - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

/ +7 (911) 114 85 70

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Sled dog

Reception: shipping. The purpose of the technique is to develop the dog's "skill to be freely in the harness and evenly pull the cart (sled) with a load. Conditional stimuli are commands:" forward "," stop "," right "and" left. " The skill is worked out after the dog has worked out the basic techniques of general training, allowing you to control the behavior of the dog in this kind of service. to a friend of two dogs, and then gradually the whole group intended for sledding. In the event that in relation to each other the dogs begin to show an aggressive reaction, trying to pounce, the trainers immediately follow the repulsive "fu" command and a blow to the rump with a whip. In order to avoid strong bites, it is recommended that when walking dogs in a group, muzzle them for the first time. As the dogs get used to each other, the muzzles are removed from them and they begin to teach them to move in pairs. This is done as follows: the trainer, using special equipment, connects two dogs together, takes them on a leash, then says the command "forward" and runs alongside them in a straight line, repeating the command "forward" and watching the dogs so that they do not interfere during movement one another and did not change their place. If the dogs run evenly forward, the trainer, slightly lagging behind, rewards them with the command "good", and at stops gives them a treat. After a series of such exercises, the dogs get used to the movement in pairs, evenly pull the leash, without interfering with each other. After the dogs are, on the command "forward", quickly walk in a straight direction in pairs on a leash, they are taught to move the cart (sled) in harness. First, two dogs are taught to sled. The trainer harnesses the dogs to the harness very carefully and, if they show concern, calms them down by giving commands in an affectionate tone and treats. When the dogs are harnessed, the trainer, standing near the dogs on the right side and holding the leash in his hands, gives the familiar command “forward” to the dogs and runs along with them along a straight, pre-selected route at a distance of 200 - 300 m, periodically saying the command “ forward". After following the dogs this distance, the trainer with the command "stop" and pulling the leash stops the dogs, gives them a treat and a little rest. After 15 - 20 minutes of rest, the trainer turns the dog harness with the cart in the opposite direction, stands behind the dogs and gives the command "forward", simultaneously hitting the cart with the whip. When the dogs run in the opposite direction along the familiar route, the trainer easily, without stopping the dogs, sits down in the cart (sled). Arriving at the final place, he gives the command "stop" and pulling on the leash stops the dogs and gives them rest. In one lesson, this exercise is repeated no more than 3 - 4 times. When the dogs, at the command of the trainer, pull the cart (sled) with a load or carry the trainer himself, the distance is increased to 500 m. When the dogs try to turn to the side, the trainer makes the dogs run in a straight direction with a whip. A more difficult type of training will be to teach the dogs to turn while moving left and right. To accustom the dogs to turns, they do this: having reached the place where it is necessary to make a turn, the trainer, who is in the cart (sled), slows it down, and not letting the dogs move forward, says the command "to the right." Simultaneously with the command, hitting the whip on the ground parallel to the left dog encourages the dogs to turn to the right. As soon as the dogs change direction, gives the command "forward". Having driven in the new direction 20 - 25 m, the trainer on the command "stop" stops the dogs, encourages them and gives them rest. When the conditioned reflex of turning to the right is developed in dogs, they proceed to working out turning to the left. This is done in the same order as turning to the right, with the only difference that the blow with the whip is made on the ground parallel to the right dog with the command “to the left”. When the dogs walk well in a sled in pairs, their number is increased to 3 - 4 pairs in a sled. In these cases, the leading pair of dogs is mainly influenced to change direction. The skill is considered to be worked out when the dogs, being in harness in pairs, evenly pull the cart, at the command of the trainer they make turns in the required directions and at the command “stop” they stop.


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