Laika from Yakutia is a strong, muscular animal with a knocked-down body, but at the same time compact, with high legs. Outwardly, the dog of this breed looks rather massive, but without "dampness" in complexion. Like all huskies, "Yakuts" are distinguished by their love of freedom and independence, but at the same time these dogs are very loyal to their owner. Curiosity can be noted among the main character traits. During training, it is important to take into account the independent thinking of the pet, you should not be rude. Laika is a rather obedient dog, however, she is not inclined to blindly follow commands, trying to find a way out on her own. But with the right training, good results can be achieved. Weight: 20 - 23 kg. Height at the withers: 55 - 59 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 12 years.
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