A very intelligent breed by nature, the Toy Fox Terrier learns very quickly. Early socialization and obedience training is recommended. Rough or arbitrary methods are not recommended. Learning should be conducted with fairness, praise and firmness, reward and consistency. Dogs of this breed show exceptional talents as helpers for the hearing impaired and people with disabilities. The Toy Fox Terrier is a small, agile, strong and energetic breed. She is believed to be much more responsive and more trainable than most terriers. Weight: 2 - 3 kg. Height at the withers: 20 - 28 cm. Life expectancy: 11 - 14 years.
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Наталия Петракова"Огромное спасибо за чудесно проведённые новогодние каникулы. Наша Буся, доберман 1 год 8 мес, вернулась очень довольная, отдохнувшая и с новыми навыками. Для собак здесь созданы очень комфортные условия,…"