Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89

Swedish Wallhund

The smart Swedish Wallhund is well educated and very obedient if handled with courtesy and care. It is an excellent companion dog and can also be a good watchdog if trained properly. The Swedish Wallhund is a temperamental, affectionate and playful dog. She gets along well with children. With small animals, the Visigothic Spitz also does not experience difficulties in communication, but it is better not to start it in a house where there are cats. The Swedish Wallhund is very smart and energetic, it can be used instead of an alarm clock, because he loves to wake up the owners with loud barks. Weight: 11 - 16 kg. Height at the withers: 30 - 41 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 14 years.


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Ольга Горохова

"А ещё хочу сказать про гостиницу для собак. Раньше я и помыслить не могла, что могу оставить своего лохматого друга в гостинице. Узнав Василия и его помощников, особенно Дарью, я увидела, какой заботой…"

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