Shihpu needs early socialization and early obedience training. This dog is difficult to train to go to the toilet on the street, for training this may require a special crate. Shikhpa must be trained strictly, but fairly, he does not tolerate cruelty and rudeness. Shihpu is a loyal, loving and gentle dog, however, this breed is not recommended for families with small children. This dog gets along well with other dogs and other pets if it has been in contact with them since puppyhood. Shikhpu does not tolerate loneliness; out of boredom, he begins to bark incessantly and show excessive activity. Weight: 5 - 7 kg. Height at withers: 20 - 28 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 16 years.
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Ирина Кузьмина"Огромное спасибо ЛИСу! Наш дог Добрыня прошёл обучение и теперь общаться и гулять с ним одно удовольствие - это воспитанный и почти всегда владеющий собой "юноша". Без Василия и его команды мы не смогли…"