The Russian-European Laika (REL) is a hunting dog breed that hunters consider one of the most versatile, since it shows excellent results in working with many types of game: fur-bearing animals (squirrels, raccoons, badgers), birds, wild boars and bears. Laikas are one of the oldest breed groups on earth. This is a very intelligent, loyal, courageous, inquisitive and active breed. She is friendly, affectionate and loyal to the owner, but very wary of strangers. The Russian-European husky needs early socialization and compulsory training of basic commands, since an untrained husky can show stubbornness and disobedience. Weight: 18 - 23 kg. Height at the withers: 48 - 58 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 14 years.
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Виктория"Если бы не Василий, собака бы погибла...
Хозяина собаки ночью госпитализировали. В квартиру не было возможности войти, потому что собака защищала территорию. И только Василий согласился войти в…"