Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89

Black russian terrier

The training is very simple and quick, since the Black Russian Terrier literally grasps everything on the fly and is practically unmatched in the speed of completing any training course. An active, hardy large breed with a stable character, very lively, with strong defensive reactions: unwanted visitors will always be stopped on their way. This dog is strict, brave, attentive, and loyal to its owner. The Black Russian Terrier behaves well with any other animals and children, provided that he has been properly socialized. Weight: 36 - 73 kg. Height at the withers: 66 - 76 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 14 years.


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Ольга Горохова

"А ещё хочу сказать про гостиницу для собак. Раньше я и помыслить не могла, что могу оставить своего лохматого друга в гостинице. Узнав Василия и его помощников, особенно Дарью, я увидела, какой заботой…"

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