The poodle learns well because it strives to please its owners in everything. This dog needs early socialization and early obedience training. A poodle will not respond to harsh training methods, his trainer must be fair, patient, diligent and must treat the dog with respect. Representatives of this breed achieve great success in the study of tricks, and also take prizes in competitions in various types of canine sports. The poodle is flexible, graceful and athletic. This breed is considered one of the most intelligent and attentive dog breeds. Weight: 20 - 30 kg. Height at the withers: 38 - 53 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 12 years.
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Виктория"Если бы не Василий, собака бы погибла...
Хозяина собаки ночью госпитализировали. В квартиру не было возможности войти, потому что собака защищала территорию. И только Василий согласился войти в…"