Smart and literally grasping everything on the fly, the Picardian Shepherd dog needs early socialization and general training. Please note that these dogs can be quite stubborn and even moody. To keep your dog from getting bored with training, do short, varied training in style and program. It is not recommended to use harsh or arbitrary training methods with the Picardian Shepherd Dog. It is best to base training on patience, toughness, fairness, and consistency. Dogs of this breed are reliable guards for the whole family, livestock and their territory. Weight: 23 - 32 kg. Height at the withers: 56 - 66 cm. Life expectancy: 13 - 15 years.
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Ольга Горохова"Я хочу выразить огромную благодарность Василию, за его профессионализм и огромную любовь к нашим четвероногим друзьям. Сначала мы пришли с Фродо - энтлебухер зенненхунд 5 месяцев, 20кг сплошных мышц, неиссякаемая…"