A pickup truck is stubborn and difficult to train to go to the toilet on the street, so early socialization and earlier obedience training are recommended. The trainer of this dog must be strict, but fair, and most importantly, patient. A pickup truck will not respond to harsh and clumsy training methods. A pickup truck is affectionate, brave, devoted, sociable and confident. He does not tolerate loneliness and from boredom begins to bark incessantly and destroy everything around. This dog gets along well with adolescents and also easily finds a common language with dogs and other pets, if he grew up with them. Weight: 1 - 5 kg. Height at the withers: 15 - 30 cm. Life expectancy: 13 - 15 years.
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Мария Баич"Вася, все никак не доходили руки и вот наконец-то)! Очень хочу поблагодарить вас за гостеприимство и хороший уход за моей девочкой)!!! Для меня самый главный маркёр качества это то, что Варюша не хотела…"