The Pekingese is very difficult to train due to his stubbornness. In order to train this dog to go to the toilet on the street, it is necessary to use a special cage. A Pekingese does not need a harsh and domineering coach, but a gentle and patient coach. This dog needs short training sessions. As a rule, the Pekingese chooses one owner for himself, the loyalty to which this dog has unlimited. This breed is suspicious of strangers. Pekingese gets along well with teenagers. However, due to jealousy of the owner and the desire to be always in the center of attention, the Pekingese will not tolerate other dogs or other pets in the house. Weight: 6 kg. Height at the withers: 15 - 23 cm. Life expectancy: 13 - 18 years.
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Ольга Горохова"Я хочу выразить огромную благодарность Василию, за его профессионализм и огромную любовь к нашим четвероногим друзьям. Сначала мы пришли с Фродо - энтлебухер зенненхунд 5 месяцев, 20кг сплошных мышц, неиссякаемая…"