The Reindeer Spitz belongs to the breed group of Spitz-like dogs, whose roots go back to ancient times. In the North, these dogs are used as herding dogs - they know how to maneuver well and quickly move around a herd of deer. Nenets reindeer herding huskies are very independent and hardworking dogs. They are quick-witted and smart, even in early childhood they can do their job without prior training. These dogs never bark for no reason, they are not annoying at all, and not capricious, they have excellent health, no genetic diseases have been identified. Nenets reindeer racers quickly understand what they want from them and quickly grasp commands. Their upbringing requires moderate rigor. Weight: 20 - 55 kg. Height at the withers: 41 - 53 cm. Life expectancy: 14 - 16 years.
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Ольга"Я хочу выразить огромную благодарность Василию, за его профессионализм и огромную любовь к нашим четвероногим друзьям. Сначала мы пришли с Фродо - энтлебухер зенненхунд 5 месяцев, 20кг сплошных мышц, неиссякаемая…"