This breed requires early socialization towards humans and other dogs. The German Wirehaired Pointer can be stubborn and intractable, but most often it seeks to earn the praise of its master. It is very important to train your dog in obedience based on patience, firmness and consistency. Drathaars excel especially in agility, tracking and hunting. Drathaar is muscular, with a strong constitution, hardy, showing versatile qualities and amazing strength. He is very alert and extremely loyal to his master. Drathaar is a noble animal with a characteristic and memorable appearance. Weight: 20 - 34 kg. Height at withers: 56 - 66 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years.
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Анна и Джони"Хочу выразить огромную благодарность тренеру! У меня бигль и в 7месяцев встал вопрос о его не послушании. За пол года тренировок мы практически сделали из бигля собаку, с которой можно гулять без поводка…"