Moody is very smart, obedient and independent. They like rigorous but fair teaching methods. This breed is suitable for searching for drugs and explosives, for rescue work and security activities. Moody is a loving and gentle dog who is strongly attached to one of the family members. He distrusts strangers and is jealous of his family and his territory. Moody gets along well with children and, with the right training, can easily get along with dogs and other pets. This is a talented dog with a calm disposition. Weight: 8 - 13 kg. Height at the withers: 36 - 51 cm. Life expectancy: 9 - 11 years.
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Наталия Петракова"Огромное спасибо за чудесно проведённые новогодние каникулы. Наша Буся, доберман 1 год 8 мес, вернулась очень довольная, отдохнувшая и с новыми навыками. Для собак здесь созданы очень комфортные условия,…"