Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89

Carrot Yorkies

Early socialization and early obedience training are recommended for this breed. Yorkies are stubborn and difficult to train to go to the toilet outside. The trainer of this dog must be patient, strict and consistent. This breed is not suitable for harsh training methods. Yorkies is not recommended for families with small children. This is a loyal, loyal, loving and affectionate dog. She gets along well with dogs and other pets as long as she grows up with them. Yorkez is very attached to people and does not tolerate loneliness. Out of boredom, this dog begins to destroy everything around and bark incessantly. Weight: 2 - 4 kg. Height at the withers: 15 - 25 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years.


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"Хотим выразить самую глубокую и исреннюю благодарность Василию, руководителю кинологической службы Лис, за коррекцию поведения наших собак! У нас два питбуля с непростой судьбой. И мы с мужем не справились…"

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