Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89
+7 (911) 245 00 63

Mon - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

/ +7 (911) 114 85 70

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Small Vendée Basset Griffon

Smart and eager to please its master, the small Vendée Basset Griffon is easy to train. He needs early socialization and early obedience training, this dog needs to be explained as early as possible that it has an owner to whom it must obey. Teaching must be consistent and the teacher patient. In this case, all the success of the dog should be supported by tasty treats or other rewards. The Small Vendée Basset Griffon is active, bold and positive. He is cocky, but at the same time attentive and reliable. This compact dog is extremely independent and always looking for adventure. Weight: 11 - 16 kg. Height at the withers: 33 - 38 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 14 years.


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+7 (911) 245 00 63 We will be glad to answer all your questions!

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Reviews about our work

Полина Куколева

"Большое спасибо Василию за квалифицированную помощь в воспитании нашего сибы! Буги очень вырос за время обучения и радует нас новыми успехами! От лица нашей семьи хочется пожелать процветания и успехов…"

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