The Lopar Reindeer Hound is small, friendly and obedient. In Finland, these dogs are very popular due to their working qualities: they are hardy, with good health, can work in any conditions, and quickly adapt to low temperatures. Dogs of this breed have a well-developed guardian instinct from birth. A shepherd's craft is learned by a puppy from birth on its own - adult dogs pass on precious experience to beginners. When training, never use physical punishment, a raised voice will be enough. Weight: 25 - 30 kg. Height at the withers: 43 - 54 cm. Life expectancy: 13 - 15 years.
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Mafa Radchenko"Хочу выразить благодарность Василию за воспитание моей собаки. Я пришла в "Лис" в надежде, что мне помогут решить некоторые поведенческие проблемы моей собаки, и нисколько не ошиблась. Результаты я увидела…"