Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89

Lopar Reindeer Dog

The Lopar Reindeer Hound is small, friendly and obedient. In Finland, these dogs are very popular due to their working qualities: they are hardy, with good health, can work in any conditions, and quickly adapt to low temperatures. Dogs of this breed have a well-developed guardian instinct from birth. A shepherd's craft is learned by a puppy from birth on its own - adult dogs pass on precious experience to beginners. When training, never use physical punishment, a raised voice will be enough. Weight: 25 - 30 kg. Height at the withers: 43 - 54 cm. Life expectancy: 13 - 15 years.


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"Большое спасибо Василию, руководителю кинологической службы Лис, за помощь в социализации моей собаки. Я взяла возростного пса после смерти хозяйки. Пёс вздрагивал даже от шуршания поводка. Когда мы первый…"

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