Early socialization and general training are imperative. Please note that harsh or arbitrary methods in dealing with the Blue Speckled Coonhound are completely useless. This breed does not respond to harsh or overbearing practices. Dog training should be done with motivation, patience, firmness, fairness and consistency. They especially show their talents in hunting, ingenuity and tracking game. This breed successfully combines agility, great endurance, good nature and self-confidence. Weight: 20 - 36 kg. Height at withers: 51 - 69 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 13 years.
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Алла Рожкова"Очень и очень нужная служба! Четко, грамотно и профессионально работает Василий! Огромная благодарность за обездоленных собак с искалеченными душами! В этом месте они обретают настоящий дом на время реабилитации…"