The Chongqing Chinese Dog needs a dominant owner who commands respect. Under no circumstances should harsh, oppressive or pain-based parenting methods be applied to this breed. It is imperative to conduct a course of early socialization and obedience training with the dog. Classes should be conducted with respect, firmness, fairness and consistency. The Chinese Chongqing dog is a medium-sized dog breed with a strong build and somewhat square shape. It is a well-developed, muscular and alert animal. Weight: 15 - 25 kg. Height at the withers: 36 - 51 cm. Life expectancy: 15 - 20 years.
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Алла Рожкова"Очень и очень нужная служба! Четко, грамотно и профессионально работает Василий! Огромная благодарность за обездоленных собак с искалеченными душами! В этом месте они обретают настоящий дом на время реабилитации…"