Kernpu is quite independent, so it can be difficult to train him to go to the toilet on the street - for this you may need a special cage. This breed is suitable for performing various tricks, but every success of the dog must be supported by a sweet reward. The Kernpu trainer must be persistent and fair. Kernpu requires increased attention to itself. Bored alone, he will become uncontrollable. Kernpu gets along well with children and dogs, and can also find language with other pets if he grew up with them. The ideal Kernpu is muscular, strong and compact. Weight: 7 - 9 kg. Height at the withers: 25 - 38 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years.
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Ольга Горохова"А ещё хочу сказать про гостиницу для собак. Раньше я и помыслить не могла, что могу оставить своего лохматого друга в гостинице. Узнав Василия и его помощников, особенно Дарью, я увидела, какой заботой…"