Dogs of this breed require an affectionate approach to training. But since they quickly get bored of repeating the same thing several times, it is better to build training on the variety and sequence of lessons. In the absence of proper socialization and general obedience, the Ibiza Hound can become a tyrant in the home. However, she loves to study and becomes an excellent student. Particularly different in hunting disciplines and in the search. A good guard and having an independent character, the dog of this breed cannot get along with smaller and more timid pets. Weight: 20 - 23 kg. Height at the withers: 56 - 71 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 12 years.
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Лидия Варламова"Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Василию и всем сотрудникам центра. Я отдала свою любимую собаню на перевоспитание. Собаке 4,5 года. Был нормальным песом, но потом случилась беда и он стал не известно…"