Gul Dong - Has a highly developed sense of ownership. They are suspicious of strangers and often aggressive towards them. Gul Dong's tough temper contributes to poor training ability and an aggressive attitude towards other pets. Dogs of this breed are poorly trained, so they are completely unsuitable for beginners. A Gul-dong owner should have extensive experience in keeping, raising and training aggressive dogs, but it is best if the owner is a professional dog handler. Early socialization is essential for this breed of dog. Proper education and socialization can reduce the level of aggressiveness and make the dog obedient. Weight: 45 - 70 kg. Height at the withers: 70 - 90 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 12 years.
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Юлия Витвицкая"Сегодня мы приходили в гости в клуб с группой детей, находящихся на сопровождении в «Доме Милосердия». И остались в восторгеНам оказали теплый приём, интересно рассказали о профессии «кинолог», о том,…"