Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89

Mountain hound

The mountain hound is an intelligent but naughty dog. She will obey only her immediate master. This breed requires early socialization and early obedience training. This dog should be trained strictly, but fairly, showing patience and perseverance, and also not applying harsh measures. The Horn Hound is an excellent hunting dog that can be used for hunting both small and large game. This breed is not suitable for homes with pets and children. Also, the mountain hound does not get along well with unfamiliar dogs. Weight: 18 - 27 kg. Height at the withers: 41 - 66 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 16 years.


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Ольга Горохова

"А ещё хочу сказать про гостиницу для собак. Раньше я и помыслить не могла, что могу оставить своего лохматого друга в гостинице. Узнав Василия и его помощников, особенно Дарью, я увидела, какой заботой…"

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