Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89
+7 (911) 245 00 63

Mon - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

/ +7 (911) 114 85 70

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Dandy dinmont terrier

It is necessary to bring up the Dandy Dinmont Terrier in an affectionate, but at the same time - firm hand, since from time to time they demonstrate enviable stubbornness. But since this breed is quite intelligent, the training is quite simple, although the course of obedience can be somewhat difficult. Low attention span. Like most terriers, the Dandy Dinmont Terrier is exceptionally independent. Dogs of this breed are especially distrustful of strangers and everything new to themselves, therefore, before placing the Dandy Dinmont in an unfamiliar environment for him, he must be properly socialized. Weight: 8 - 11 kg. Height at the withers: 20 - 28 cm. Life expectancy: 11 - 14 years.


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+7 (911) 245 00 63 We will be glad to answer all your questions!

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Елена Микулич

"Дважды оставляла своего молодого непоседливого добермана в гостях у «Лиса», оба раза на пять-шесть дней. Выбрала одну из наиболее просторных комнат — элитную, если не ошибаюсь. Что сразу очень понравилось…"

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