Chinook is a very intelligent breed of dog, they actively strive to earn the praise and affection of their owner. It is recommended to conduct an early socialization course and obedience training. Do not use harsh or arbitrary methods. Training should be conducted with respect, firmness, fairness and consistency. They are great with children, dogs and other pets. Chinooks are slightly fearful of new surroundings and strangers, but never show aggression or shyness. They are reliable, loyal, versatile and patient. Weight: 25 - 32 kg. Height at withers: 53 - 69 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 15 years.
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Алла Рожкова"Очень и очень нужная служба! Четко, грамотно и профессионально работает Василий! Огромная благодарность за обездоленных собак с искалеченными душами! В этом месте они обретают настоящий дом на время реабилитации…"