Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89
+7 (911) 245 00 63

Mon - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

/ +7 (911) 114 85 70

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White swiss shepherd

Cheerful, without unnecessary fussiness. With strangers, he is restrained, never shows excessive anxiety or aggressiveness. They are very responsible and reliable dogs. They are usually loyal to their master and strive to constantly meet his requirements. White Shepherd Dogs are very trainable. To keep fit and healthy, your shepherd needs regular exercise. They are kind and affectionate, easily find a common language with all family members and animals living in the same room with them. Rough handling will not benefit the owner or the dog. Weight: 25 - 40 kg. Height at the withers: 53 - 66 cm. Life expectancy: 11 - 17 years.


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+7 (911) 245 00 63 We will be glad to answer all your questions!

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Ирина Кузьмина

"Дважды за осень мы воспользовались услугами гостиницы. Не скроем, переживали за Добрыню:как встретит нас после разлуки, не получит ли эмоциональный шок или обидится на нас. Но встретил нас жизнерадостный,…"

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