Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89

Basset hound

The Basset Hound is a very sensitive breed of dog, so training should be done with the utmost tenderness, gentleness and patience. With these stubborn dogs, the best results can be achieved with consistent effort. Bassett can simply turn and walk away, sighing heavily and completely ignoring its owner, so it's best to try to get him interested while playing. Gentle, lazy, loyal, quiet, and peaceful, the Basset Hound is a great family dog. He loves children very much, and gets along well with other animals. Weight: 18 - 27 kg. Height at the withers: 36 cm. Life expectancy: 8 - 12 years.


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"Я хочу выразить огромную благодарность Василию, за его профессионализм и огромную любовь к нашим четвероногим друзьям. Сначала мы пришли с Фродо - энтлебухер зенненхунд 5 месяцев, 20кг сплошных мышц, неиссякаемая…"

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