The Australian Terrier learns very quickly, but gets bored just as quickly. Early socialization and obedience training is essential. Rough or arbitrary training methods are highly ineffective. You can do much more by building your teaching on a sequence of persistence, fairness, praise, and motivation. Australian Terriers do well where agility and agility are required, such as a bloodhound or agility. Australian Terriers easily find common language with other dogs and pets. Weight: 5 - 6 kg. Height at the withers: 25 - 28 cm. Life expectancy: 11 - 16 years.
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Анна"Большое спасибо замечательному кинологу Василию Муравьеву за помощь в социализации моего найденыша- брошеного взрослого ягдтерьера Ричи,который в своей жизни не знал ничего кроме вальера и охоты.С визгом…"