Cynological service "LIS", St. Petersburg, Bolshoi pr VO, house 89
+7 (911) 245 00 63

Mon - Sun: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

/ +7 (911) 114 85 70

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Australian shepherd dog. Queensland Healer

The Queensland Healer needs early socialization and early obedience training. This dog is stubborn, independent and intelligent. The training for this breed must be rigorous but fair. Queensland healers are making great strides in a variety of canine sports. It is a working dog designed for grazing in the harsh natural conditions of Australia. A Queensland healer cannot live in a city apartment, he needs a job on a farm in order not to go crazy with boredom. He is athletic, strong, lithe and muscular, alert, brave and very intelligent. This is one of the finest herding breeds. Weight: 14 - 16 kg. Height at withers: 43 - 51 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years.


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+7 (911) 245 00 63 We will be glad to answer all your questions!

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Ирина Кузьмина

"Дважды за осень мы воспользовались услугами гостиницы. Не скроем, переживали за Добрыню:как встретит нас после разлуки, не получит ли эмоциональный шок или обидится на нас. Но встретил нас жизнерадостный,…"

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