It is imperative to do early socialization and obedience training with this dog. The Appenzell Dog is very intelligent, but it needs a dominant owner. Autocratic or harsh methods are useless. Training should be based on perseverance, respect for the dog, fairness and consistency. The Appenzell Mountain Dog is a muscular, athletic and strong animal. Appenzeller has tremendous stamina and agility. It is truly a versatile, utilitarian, and hardworking dog. The Appenzell Mountain Dog behaves well with children and gets along well with other dogs. Weight: 23 - 32 kg. Height at withers: 46 - 58 cm. Life expectancy: 11 - 13 years
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Наталия Петракова"Огромное спасибо за чудесно проведённые новогодние каникулы. Наша Буся, доберман 1 год 8 мес, вернулась очень довольная, отдохнувшая и с новыми навыками. Для собак здесь созданы очень комфортные условия,…"