The English pointer is very easily distracted from the learning process and is rather intractable. It is necessary to conduct early socialization with him and undergo a general training course. Classes should be structured as short and varied lessons. No harsh or arbitrary methods should be used; training should be conducted on the basis of firmness, fairness, patience and consistency. An affectionate, loyal, and loyal breed, the English Pointer is responsive, calm and level-headed by nature. The English Pointer is a proud and truly aristocratic dog. Weight: 20 - 34 kg. Height at the withers: 58 - 71 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years.
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Ирина"Хотим выразить самую глубокую и исреннюю благодарность Василию, руководителю кинологической службы Лис, за коррекцию поведения наших собак! У нас два питбуля с непростой судьбой. И мы с мужем не справились…"