The American Pit Bull Terrier is very obedient and seeks to guess the wishes of its owner. It is imperative from an early age to emphasize intensive and extensive socialization, as well as training in unquestioning obedience. Parenting should not use harsh or overbearing methods. Training must combine respect and regular praise with firmness, fairness, patience, and consistency. The American Pit Bull Terrier is an obedient, agile, conscientious dog. The American Pit Bull Terrier is not recommended for beginners, carefree or sedentary individuals. Weight: 10 - 35 kg. Height at the withers: 46 - 56 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years.
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Лидия Варламова"Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Василию и всем сотрудникам центра. Я отдала свою любимую собаню на перевоспитание. Собаке 4,5 года. Был нормальным песом, но потом случилась беда и он стал не известно…"