It can be quite difficult to teach an American Foxhound to keep an apartment clean. In order for a dog of this breed not to show excessive shyness, it is recommended to conduct her moderate socialization. To achieve the best learning outcomes, it must be based on fairness, firmness, consistency and consistency. These are keen hunters following the trail, focusing exclusively on their sense of smell. This instinct they have is so strong that they will follow any smell that interests them, without waiting for your command. Weight: 30 - 34 kg. Height at the withers: 53 - 64 cm. Life expectancy: 10 - 15 years.
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Mafa Radchenko"Хочу выразить благодарность Василию за воспитание моей собаки. Я пришла в "Лис" в надежде, что мне помогут решить некоторые поведенческие проблемы моей собаки, и нисколько не ошиблась. Результаты я увидела…"