These dogs are very intelligent and have good training abilities. Easy to train, calm and obedient, do not try to contradict the owner. For example, you can teach a bulldog to walk on a leash in just a couple of days. Bulldogs of this breed are of powerful build. Used dogs for sports and protection purposes. Possesses excellent qualities of a protector, therefore, for centuries this breed was considered the main guardians of farms and cattle. They were also excellent boar hunters. Bulldog is a good friend, loves and protects children, gets along well with other pets, even cats. Weight: 35 - 45 kg. Height at withers: 51 - 66 cm. Life expectancy: 11 - 13 years.
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Анна и Джони"Хочу выразить огромную благодарность тренеру! У меня бигль и в 7месяцев встал вопрос о его не послушании. За пол года тренировок мы практически сделали из бигля собаку, с которой можно гулять без поводка…"