These dogs are difficult to train. Reputable owners who are able to show firmness and consistency in training are highly respected. The best learning will be obtained when the Affenpinscher is given various interesting tasks in order to simultaneously learn and have fun. The Affenpinscher is a harmoniously built and strong breed. They combine ardor and courage, courage and charm. This breed surprises with its agility and agility, has good thinking and even intelligence, but at the same time is gentle and sensitive. Weight: 3 - 4 kg. Height at the withers: 23 - 30 cm. Life expectancy: 11 - 14 years.
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Елена Микулич"Дважды оставляла своего молодого непоседливого добермана в гостях у «Лиса», оба раза на пять-шесть дней. Выбрала одну из наиболее просторных комнат — элитную, если не ошибаюсь. Что сразу очень понравилось…"